Find your active.

How it works

Start anywhere. Find a league, create a player, or register and get notified. Or form a new team to stay in touch with your mates, schedule practices, and plan your games.

find activities

Schedule practices, games, and stay in touch with friends. Join leagues and get team-specific customized updates.

sign up

Get tailored updates, suggestions, and a streamlined experience by signing up as a Playon player.

add activities

Can’t find the Cycling Group you were looking for? Create it! We’ve made it easy.


Anything from a mud race to a bowling league is considered on activity on Playon. Find one, join one, or make one.

Search 1,000’s of activities

We’ve got a team dedicated to finding leagues, races, and activities all over your area. Activities are categorized, rated on skill level, and divided by gender and age.

list of venues

We’ve also got a list of all the sports venues in your area. Take a look around at gyms, rentable facilities, fields, and start your own pick-up league.

Robust maps

When it comes to getting active, it’s all about what you can do nearby. We’ve plotted all activities on the map. Tell us how far you’re willing to travel and we’ll keep results accurate.

vital information

Playon stores data on everything from skill level and age group to play schedule and venue. We’re even collecting league rules, order forms, and everything you need to have fun.

Get us the details

Sign up and add an activity. Just let us know what it is, when, where, and what the schedule is.

feeback that matters

Running activities and leagues can be daunting. Playon helps you solicit great feedback on your work and helps you plan for the future.

Tell the world

Share your activity on social networks with ease. Use the Playon platform to get the word out to the exact audience you’re trying to reach.

another thing

Playon stores data on everything from skill level and age group to play schedule and venue. We’re even collecting league rules.

I love Playon. It's helped me find new leagues for myself and my kids. Finally I don't have to search the internet for hours for some activities.
Campbell Stevens

Players gonna play

Get the most out of Playon by creating a player profile. It’s the basic building block. Players find and register for activities, manage leagues, form teams, schedule practices…they do it all. It’s totally free, easy, and inredibly useful.

Suggested Activities

The more you use Playon, the smarter it gets about you. You’ll see suggested activities when you’re searching the site. It’s figuring out what you like a what you don’t and tailoring the activity finder to you.

Tailored Notifications

Stay in the loop, without visiting. We know that you dont have time to check Playon every day for new activities in your area. We also know you dont want 500 emails. We’ll send you only the most relevant updates.

Saved searches

Once you’ve created a Player, you can start to make us work for you. Search for ‘co-ed beach volleyball’ and save it. Next time you check in, we’ll have a list of all the activities that fit your saved searches.

Player Profile

We won’t force you into the social world, but Playon can be an great addition to yoru networks. Make your profile public, and let your friends see what you’re up to. Maybe you’ll even find a new teammate or pickup game!

Coming soon

We hate to be a tease, but want you to know what the future holds for Playon. Coming soon, you’ll be managing leagues and creating your team here.

Invite friends to a team

Have some buddies that would be a good addition to your team? Inviting them will be made easy with Playon.

schedule and notifications

No longer will it be such a challenge to manage your kid's sports and your own. And when a practice time changes, notifications will ensure you know what's going on ahead of time.

search & join leagues

No more struggle to find activites and leagues that you want to engage in. Playon will make physical activities much easier!

schedule the season

Scheduling and staying informed about pickup games, practices, potlucks, and new event registrations with soon be a breeze with Playon. ​

communication tools

Easily message the coach, find out about a field change, share pics from the latest game, and stay plugged into your team.

Online registration

Gone will be the days of filling out loads of paperwork each season. Soon Playon will handle registrations and streamline the process.

Want to know what's happening with Playon? Subscribe and be informed.